Sweet. Map not on FOUNDRY, the infecting virus that will eat you from the inside out until you can't stop forging on it. Anywho, from the pics,...
Very smooth. I'll give you the award of being the person with a map as merged as crazy as this. From the looks of it you've unlocked an...
Sweet. This is one of the cleanist maps I have ever laid my eyes on. My god...soooo clean...soooo beautiful.
The 2nd last and last pics are very creative. Lolled at em' Good job on this map, it looks very clean, good use of interlocking.
No offense or anything but this is a lot like Fish Bowl...
Trappzilla FTW! This map is awesome!
That. Is. Awesome. Not saying you copied me, or maybe even me copying you, but I kinda had an idea before you posted this similar to this. Anyways...
Simple, yet beautiful.I like it.
No offense but, this looks like a regular kill everything in sight map. Still, it's pretty good.
It could be breed between butterfly, moth, and fly. The BUTTERMOTHFLY. Very cool.
Looks cool, might download.
Sweet. This somehow reminds me of D-Day. Seems great. Sorry if you guys thought I was going to copy your map. I'm ashamed of myself... :(
That's creative man. Good job on this, I never would be able to make this...seriously, too lazy. LOL
Very unique...I like it.
Pretty cool. I like how it's kinda labyrinth-esque, if that was your intended result. Anyways 5/5. Very nice.
Now all you need are dead bodies...for meat. I wuv meat. <3
Star Trek much? Looks pretty cool. Might download it.
Re: Hotel check in... For Hotel Zanzibar(updated so walls are fixed...) Isn't this more of a remake than Aesthetic map?Anyways, congratz on this...
Wicked! I like how it's outside on Standoff like in a real war in the middle of Africa or something. All you need now is a map on the bottom.
Re: UPSIDE DOWN Foundry video and Download lolled at the map when i read the subject name...good job on this!