What's going on?
Not to be a douche but theirs is way better. Yours seems a bit messy.
*cough* douche *cough* I think this map looks great. Can't wait to play it in customs this Saturday! +1 DL :)
Whoa, this map is awesome. Normally i like maps with major height variations, but yours is an exception. This map truly looks good. One...
too long, did not read...
I knew that this would win a feature. I saw it a long time ago and didn't DL, which is a mistake. So DLin' now. Congrats!
I am sorry... But both games will be EPIC at first. Then slowly die a of last stand users (MW3) and The entire team being snipers just like every...
um I am new to minecraft and how do you download mods on a mac?
Needs moar Warthogs and Mongeese. But like the layout and map design.
Good job on crediting Insanmiac. Of course i love that you want to follow in his infected foot steps. But you do need make something that is...
Dead Streets by FriedFoodStuffz Cladite by a Polish Korean Prologue by Paranoia UK
Huh, looks like you seemed to have taken 95% of this maps ideas from insanmiac. give him some props. but the map is Meh for a first. You might...
Holy Crap, yet another awesome map from you. you should have really released the maps as a map pack. (On Topic)- i do love the height variations,...
This map is too big to only support eight players, try upgrading it to 12 players. But i do love the layout. Plus you have some decent aesthetics.
That is possibly the worst spelling fail I have ever seen. (p.s. it's spelled Barracuda) Otherwise, nice map idea I really loved High Ground. It's...
I love the idea. Epitaph was a really underplayed map that deserved more attention and i think it's awesome that you brought the idea back. [OFF...
really it's just impolite to not credit people who help you. such as when you become a doctor, you have to write a huge book about your research....
no this is exact. did you even ask if u could take his idea? and take out the FX burns my eyes.
This map looks absolutely awesome. I love the layout and especially the ghosts because reach's downfall was the non-existing epic hog and ghost...
*Facepalm* no one even tries now a days... Post not up to standards. post some pics or have this thread locked.