After I saw the merging tutorial, I thought I had to try it out, make a map using merging. This is the fruit of my labor, Brawl V2. It is a...
I got some of my instriation for this map by the map Tempest by ash55. Catwalks is a map where there are many boxes, open or closed, strewn about...
Great looking map! I'm gonna need to see how it plays.
Okay, thanks guys. I'll try to use that in the future.
Yeah, I know the wall has been done to death, but i thought this kinda looked cool. The Wall is an excellent map for shotty snipes, and there are...
This is one of the maps I have made when I was screwing around with Foundry. I have found out it is excellent with Shotty Snipers....
I've read all halo books other than contact harvest, and the fall of reach was probably best and ghosts of onyx is second. anyone read I, Robot by...
I believe I found it on HBO. I was browsin' around, then they had a link to one of your tutorials, so then I became a member
Hey guys, I hope to post many maps that I haven't finished fixing yet, so expect them coming in a day or two. and just some stuff about me: i'm...