Hello, and welcome to heresville.
Congrats, random loyal person.
I sold it. Haha I never played Halo anyway.
I don't own a Xbox anymore, sorry xD
I had no power in school. We did nothing then go out early. :D
I love how ridiculously quickly I replied to that. I just don't feel like posting, haha. Too hard to get back in the "Groove"
It's a mystery!
Hey Insane, can you delete my video topic in the Videos forum. I haven't had Halo since forever, and there's no point in keeping it, and...
Hello there.
nope. I need to save up, I broke my mp3 player so I need to get a new one. Probably an Archos.
'scuse me but wth is a guardian?
to answer your question in chat.. no PC games still have free interweb play. Except for a select few.
Hehe you too xD
Good thing I drink energy drinks only about once a month.
[IMG] I love this stuff. Its basically iced coffee with more caffeine.
It says it at the end. lol Enya - Anywhere Is
I'm definitely looking forward to this.. DOW4k was awesome and I played it quite a bit. It gonna have to compete with Starcraft 2 though, which...
I like: Fatboy Slim MGMT Crystal Method Pendulum Tiesto Smash Mouth Scooter Keane ..and a bunch of others.