Woot! My stats went up! [IMG]
Your current color settings are painful to look at. XD Thanks for making the group "Halo Rulerz"
k. thanks again.
Darn, my ratio went down. [IMG]
Got the message. Thanks, & how did you find my account/account name? Just want to know if I contributed to FH in anyway. I think my K/D ratio...
Thanks for the warning. Is this spam right now? Sorry if it is. Will not compliment forge hub maps again because I never provide enough detail.
k. Thanks for the welcome!
I think he is another member. I'll try. Thanks
Avoid Nibbles? He/She/whoever says avoid you.
[IMG] Weird-> The sig updated itself...lol
Still not sure what I did to make it show... :S How did you do that? Thanks Shroomz Edited by merge: [img] did that work?
nope, that didn't work
Quite New here, and new to threads. Anyway, would anyone know if the FH chatbox is not available to new members? [img]
Sorry to bother you again :D Where could I find the chat box/chatter thing?
Hi...? Would anyone know if sigs from Halocharts can be used on Forge Hub?- Never mind, think I got it [img]
Stevo recommended the site to me...