I would say get the wireless adapter for the 360 from d-link it is not as expensive as the microsoft one and it works well once programed. If you...
I would suggest COD4 for the 360 if you like playing on a console but if not ti is great for a computer also. As was said UT3 is a lot of fun and...
I like how it plays and things like this are what keeps me interested in halo.
Hello all this is Wraith1200 on behalf of Neocetra.com. I am working on organizing a CGN(custom game night) on Halo 3. We are needing more people...
well the day of death maps are the humans are attacked by zombies and must defend themselves. If you like infection this is about hardcore as it gets.
Hello all. I am Wraith1200 (gamertag is same). I am the creator of the day of death maps and will soon post the links when I get some screen...