Tried this out, and loved the way it paced. Humans would slowly die at the beginning, but once zombies start coming from multiple directions...
Looks good Rifte, gave it a download. I'll post again after I play
This map looks amazing. If you need any more help testing, I'm definitely up for it. GT: xlpuni15h3rlx A for sure download when its released though
OK, so I played a couple of games of this yesterday with a decent sized party (10-12 players). The main complaints i got were: -Snipers is too...
I haven't had a chance to play this yet, but I did a fly through and it looks like it would be really fun. I don't remember what the spawn timers...
Wow, thank you. Most of my other stuff isn't that good xD I've been following a lot of tutorials to get better
Put the B&W layer on top of the colored one, and erase on the B&W layer so the color shows
It snowed in Texas a on Christmas, so I took a picture and edited it a little bit. Any Constructive criticism? Original:...
I'm fairly sure it's not possible. VIP is chosen after the round starts, so he spawns at any of the points
Restarting it is what's bothering me though. Everytime I played Iced Valley (Creeping Death made it) It never needed to be restarted.
I'm making a minigame map using the VIP gametype on Sandbox. The game is made to where the defense team has 3-6 people, and the offense team has...
Looks good. I liked the original Halo, and this track looks just as good, if not better. My only suggestion is to add some low walls for the...
I like the concept. I think a good idea would be to have 2 teams, one in the flying vehicles, but another (Humans) trying to swat them with fly...
4 man teams from Bungie. This sounds great. Even if you don't get Recon, you get to play on some community maps.
Hectic Highway, by TheGreatBrownie Blast Off!!, By Ell3ment Dune Buggies, by Prodigious 7k
Played this with you a bunch of times, and although 1 on 1 isn't really my favorite thing, this map makes it alright. A few problems though: The...
Any chance of a v2? I think this concept (Big tower) might work well on a larger map
Game play looks like it would be amazing on this. I really want to try this out before I rate, so Ill post again as soon as I play this Edit:...
Aesthetics look really nice on this map, bu the hallway in the first pic looks way too empty. I suggest adding some cover, maybe a pillar or some...
Wow, we got some great songs here. Keep it up! Personal favorite so far: Breekachu, by WBTBWB