Description The main arena here is a symmetrical zone consisting of a small maze in each corner with access to both courtyards from each and a...
Thank you. Personally I'd say the upper floor is more or less of an obstacle course. I was playing a 2v2 the other day on it, if you want to treat...
Description This is Delivery, it's name refers to the fact that its a multi level maze-like area comprised entirely of boxes and a couple...
American Heritage Dictionary quag·mire (kwāg'mīr', kwŏg'-) Pronunciation Key n. 1. Land with a soft muddy surface. 2. A difficult or...
First of all, thanks for the comments, The weapon set is mixed, though I'm seeing what you mean since in those pictures you can't really see...
Map Title: Quagmire Small Arena Download Map This is a small arena map designed with slayer in mind for free-for-all games, team games, and...