Map Name: Filteration Author: FreakyTy/YiffYiff Hooray ( I changed my GT before I finished the map...) Picture: [IMG] Download:
Okay thanks, I'll add a few more then.
Just checked it out place is pretty cool, but I still have to see if I can get some poeple to play with me there. If I can I'll tell you what I...
I'll see what I can think of where to put them anyway. As for the walls Im awaiting you're reply I tried to make it feel more compact with the...
Well here we are, Platform 2.0 is an updated version of my map Platform, so I bet you're wondering why there is a seperate thread, well thats...
Platform is a simple 2 base symetric map. It's comprised of a tunnel, lower level, and upper level as well as a small individual platform...