thanks man... it really is fun
Re: Hello this is my frist post just hit modify next to the title (or near it)
Re: Hello this is my frist post cool man... if u have lots of maps like that u can post them as a bundle type thing... a topic to show 2 or 3 of...
thanks man... it is unique... it almost seems as if alot of the minigame maps are like puzzles/mazzes now
like i said before... zombies are fast... if u use the gametype it balances out... trust me... ive played this 100 times
"there is two floating fortress that is floating, they are floating over nothing, like there is nothing to start right at the bottem of the...
hmmmmm... were to start
haha... ya
bungie just announce that the heroic map pack will be free on march 25 good news for those who dont have it... good news for those who's friends...
Re: {POLL}Best video game of all time [polls close 03/21] ya zelda is good to... i liked those games... i dont really see how it was a precurser...
so you've played it... trust me... i know it looks kinda bad... if you have ever seen my other maps youd know that now i interlock most...
ya i think ur right... but this was my first post along time ago... so i probly put it in the wrong place
Re: {POLL}Best video game of all time [polls close 03/21] its awesome... i love to just mess around(who doesnt)... then i figured out u could...
me too... isnt swat this weekend
looks cool and very well made
rainbow six 2... mass effect was not that fun... + no online... mass effect is short and slightly boring... when u beat the game... its over... no...
Re: {POLL}Best video game of all time [polls close 03/21] out of these i would choose halo 3 because forge... i love to build stuff best of all...
ya dude... oblivion was way better... mass effect was ok... lots of running and loading and not fun stuff... gave me a headache... but oblivion...
looks cool... this will bring the game back to life a little for me... like halo maps did