A new Forgeworld would be awesome, omg, I'm excited again...god damnit.
If I recall correctly from an official forge article on boundaries, kill zones override safe zones in any scenario. Actually, here is the quote...
Great video for a great map, good times playing on this the few times I did, the only thing I regret was not knowing about that jump until you...
Congrats on the feature man, well deserved imo. I saw this about a week ago, but still haven't been able to get a full game together, yet I love...
I've always liked the idea of a customizable visor color, unlocked at some high level and available for something steep, like 1,000,000 cR. That'd...
One of the simpler, but creative things you could do to spice up scenery and feel, but not ruin gameplay, is create something to actually bomb....
Yeh I am. p.s. I'm a lurker.
How can you compare Black Ops (not even PS3-exclusive) to Uncharted 2 and LBP2 with regards to the action genre?!?!
Can grunts actually get in the gunner position?
Nice vid, very informative and fun to watch, I'll definitely use these strategies with my mates on the PS3 once the map pack is released, but in...
My only fail that I have on video, when I was playing I never saw the other guy spawn from my camera angle so it was as if he punched me as I...
It means you get stickied to the top of this section for a week, congrats! Also, this map looks great so I'll give it a download and see how it...
The only reason I'm not thinking about not getting this is because I have about 3000 MS points left over from my the gift card my brother bought...
You should definitely get it, the amount of fileshare space and the rendering minutes is all worth the $10.00, especially if you're a Forgehubber.
Sorry I never wrote for this before now. ;D It's been a really fun map the few times I've played it with you and the only problem I've had with...
So, without much hesitation, I give to you...feedback. Liked: -Man cannons to mid -Spacing between mid and outer edge of map -LOS -Map flow...
I'm down for some testing on this bad boy. Gt = Sir OMG