Right, I forgot about that. Thanks.
A couple of my programs also had this problem. Here's a fix if you have vista. Disable DEP in Vista: 1. Click Start 2. Click All Programs 3....
I also built my own computer during college, hopefully I can help. What brand is your motherboard and what OS are you running? Also, does your...
Hey, thanks for sharing the C4D, it looks pretty cool. And yeah, finding high-res stock photos can be a pain sometimes. Its aggrevating when you...
I like it. I also enjoyed Mirror's Edge. Great placement and font for the text imo. The only thing I can come up with is possibly blurring the C4D...
I like the concept but the sig seems a bit bland. I suggest adding a border and re-tooling the text. The text seems to jump out too much imo, it...
Thanks for that, I've had winar for so long that I forget the "trial" period isn't actually a trial. I prefer the 7-zip's interface but that's...
Either WinRAR or 7-zip should work. WinRAR has a 30 day trial and 7-zip is free.
Awesome wallpaper pack man, thanks for putting this together!
Sorry, the default rainmeter 1.0 theme looks too awesome to not have. Here's the wallpaper: link
Yeah, I realize this but apparently xfire and the ASUS AI Suite detect each thread as its own core. This is probably why it says "8 CPUs" since...
It is impossible to find physical evidence of a "god" since it is a metaphysical entity. Truthfully, I do not know. If I assume that he is...
The paradox I was referring to was that in one scenario, the finite and the infinite were one and the same. The problem is that the universe is...
Very nice, really like the minimalism. Am I correct in assuming that is rainmeter 1.0? As far as the sepcs: [Spoiler]
Assuming that god created the principles of science, math, logic, etc. he would also have to abide by them. This is because if god is perfection,...
[IMG] My secondary monitor is mainly for monitors, chat windows, Ventrilo and reference pictures when I sketch. Uses Rainmeter + Object Dock The...
Yeah, I got a beta code because I had an account on the CoD website. I'm pretty sure they gave it to everyone who registered an account there...
Yeah, that's true. There are a few gems out there though. There are quite a few of them at wincustomize.