I had the joy of seeing this map a few days ago and downloading it. I didn't get the chance to run customs on it until recently. At first glance...
I love what you've accomplished aesthetically with this map. You've not only rendered solid flowing structures but varied lines of sight and...
I was incredibly impressed with the map. The structural tweaks remove some of the discrepancies with movement that the unmerged foundry had. The...
The map is great because of the nuances it has that allow just the right amount of cover with plenty of escape routes and mobility for the players...
After running a variety of gametypes from Slayer, Oddball, King to even a game of FFA Snipers with groups of varying sizes. The map plays...
It's a perfectly functional map. I'm not even going to comment on the general ridiculous feeling of entitlement and "I can make a better map"...
With alot of polish this could really be something special.
The total lack of of cover and an armory really don't make it an appealing map. Armories rarely if ever work. Also the lack of any semblance of...
I've played the blazes out of Reverence and really enjoyed my time on it. I love how your layouts have great sight lines and enough cover without...
I'm excited the more Halo 1 maps the better.
This looks like an excellent remake. Good work total DL.
>_> Yes. A geomerged fully interlocked hang em high remake would be a thing of beauty.
I almost hate to admit this but some of my favorite Halo CE moments took place on Chiron TL34. This looks like a great remake and as a massive fan...
I absolutely love this map. Everything just clicks from the solid design to aesthetics. Also it the sight lines and spacing remind me of Halo 1...
I really like the clean look of the map and simplicity of design. Also it appears to have some fun sight lines as well. Also the weapon variety...
Team Slayer, CTF, King of the hill are my favorites.
It's a truly impressive structure. Good job
It looks basic but functional. Also the changes in elevation mixed with space do lend it that Halo CE feel. Total DL.
I loathe infection due to the horrible experiences I"ve had playing it. I also hate the rude random invites that pop up in my case at least,after...
This seems like an incredibly well crafted map and worth the dl. I do have to agree with another poster however a Matchmaking version would allow...