I think both versions of the map are amazing! But I uderstand why u had to get rid of those extra tunnels it did get away from the battlefield...
I have been looking for a remake of guardian EVERWHERE! I cant wait until u release it, the map looks exactly like halo 3's guardian and...
I wasnt old enough to play halo combat evolved's maps so i dont know the layout, but comparing to the pictures the maps are really similar and...
I tried the map out and I've got to say that this remake looks exactly like orbital, the guns are in all the right spots, everything is to scale,...
Nice remake, everything almost looks exactly to scale, try fixing that pyramid soon it will make the map look more like halo 3's narrows, but...
Wow this AMAZING! It does feel like a green house with all the glass structure and great for a competitive map. Great job.
Awesome job! It looks exactly the same, great aesthetics too, I love maps that are remakes from halo 3, Im definitely playing some infection on...
Nice map and i do agree with how put race and king of the hill together it's a awesome combination, but for a suggestion i think u should put...
Oh ok thankyou, yeah i checked the map and there was no one to be found, but the map is fun and i do like how the fx changes over time
When I was looking on the update of the week with the moas I seen ur creation and I already knew it was urs, Awesome job though, downloading it...
Truly Amazing, going to download it now! It is too bad theres no invasion, but great design.
I love maps that have Covenant or Human ships in them that can be played on in Invasion. going to download it now. Great design too, looks just...
Looks AWESOME going to download it now! Looks just like the picture, Great job!
I agree with "Crueltie" this map is almost exactly like the map speed, its just has mongooses
Adding pictures would help too
If u havent already, removing the rocks would help a lot
Did u mention traps? Like ones similar to the custom power up traps? Anyway going to give it a download, looks fun
Ill give it a try or download
Wow, looking at this makes me not want to make any more maps, but this AWESOME going to download it now!
looks nice, ill give it a download