Im FFM, im relatively new, came on here to look at some maps, and look for customs.
Its not based off of swat, there are added things.
I can body act, i will bring another if thats okay, also we could reenact the sword base battle. btw my gt is xxunde4dfe4rxx : Halo Reach : File Details : Halo Reach : File Details : Halo Reach : File Details : Halo Reach :...
I think two campaigns would be great, in Halo 2 and 3, the main focus was the Covenant and Elites, i think that there should be a campaign mode...
Hi Viper, would you be able to change my name to FFM? thanks
I think they are great, and i love the way you used tin cups to make the grass on The Cove :)
They look really great, I think i will download them in the morning though, excellent work on all the layouts though
I played something very similar to this earlier, but it was an infection variant and the zombies were trapped in the tunnel and the humans had to...
I was playing this earlier today and i was just thinking, the person who made this is a genius. Then i found it on here and almost jumped out of...
what is the Insane Gametype and where can I get it?
My very first published map, I do hope you enjoy it, It's very fun in my opinion, you must be the last person on the hill, players spawn inside...
Oh right, I am about to upload the map now, sorry about that, its my first published gametype
Hello Forgehub, I am pleased to give you my very first release of a gametype, it is called Don't Slip, the objective of this gametype is to stay...
I have bought the map pack, but can't dl it until my internet gets uncapped, still haven't got the noble map pack either. is the defiant mp good?
No. even If i did I don't know how to save them to my computer, but Ill try and get some Edited by merge: also guys, sorry, playtesting won't be...
I am currently working on a mini game where players are locked in a cage of One way shields with nothing but Gravity Hammers, the objective of the...
Right now I only know how to do it in two ways, one you have to blast the gun off, but it is difficult, The easiest way is in forge, I just...
Yes but does it only work with the tank?
I'd help, but I'm too young and don't have XBL Gold :( which sucks cuz i would make an awesome medical guy