In future posts, please stop using negative words like sloppy unless there is some kind of solution or constructive criticism. I'm glad someone...
Schnitzel. Will send you a friend request when i get home today around noon. Would love to take you up on your offer to play test. Whatever...
lynx, sent you a friend request. thank you for noticing and saying something about the nonsense above. Your choice of adjectives and adverbs...
I enjoyed making the mad dash in that war room when you had sniper. One of my favorites that you showed me.
Come on one in here has downloaded...i know because i just updated it and there are no downloads. As soon as I can finally round up a...
Replied back to you. I would honestly respect your opinion after you had a walk through on my map.
You should at least play the map before saying something that lacks constructive criticism.
Map Name: Leviathan v4 Canvas Map: Forge World Creator Name(s): PeanutPutter Last Updated: 03/21/2008 Player Count: 2-8 Recommended Gametypes:...
I was writing you a very professional right up... and i hit the back button on the browser and lost it. If you ever want to hear message me on...
Redline General Description Redline is a much revised and revamped version of my last post Leviathan V2. I have taken the general...
ugh....I sure hope not Josh. I'm getting pretty close to finishing v3. I have eliminated both towers and created smaller structures in their...
Alright cubs I'm in the process of deleting the towers. It seems to clear up frame rate...I'll try to replace it with something simpler
Thanks cubs. Addressing your question involving the tall structures, the towers were intended to break LOS; especially if jet packs are used....
Interesting comment about the rocks splatter. Not sure how to respond to that. I hope your not just critiquing the overview pic. I really hate...
I think you would have to see it to understand. It seems to be the piece itself and how far away from it you see it. Anytime you or anyone else...
There are a few spots where smooth frame rate is lessened. It is noticeable, but not terrible; I've seen what terrible looks like designing this...
Thank you Security; I hope you will download and enjoy. I agree, I think this could be fitting for MLG as well, but it will need some...
Leviathan V2 is a symmetrical map. I have worked on this for well over 7 months. I have tried to uniquely blend forgewolrd's pieces into a great...
xzamplez, I am going to download this and try it out as the author (yourself) intended for the community to use. I am a firm believer in warming...
Just a thought... simply delete every other 5x5 in the circular hallways. Once you have done that you will notice that you no longer require 5...