NOTHING MUCH TO SAY D: really. you did perfect job. they have to add few of them :D
Hmmm maybe like New alexandria? Where you can build either on buildings or just in the air.
Really epic. I love the design. Nothing much to say, It is piece of good map :)
Exactly. And you can do this on Alpha Zombies so the first one is invisible, very fast and he is alien queen.
Ig you ever played Alien vs Predator as a Marine... well this is kinda cool idea. Old Installation, some marines are sent to investigate it. There...
Actually yes. I think i wrote the truth of Forge xD
Anyone had read my message two posts ago?
Well thats what i said few times, that if 343 will release DLC, they will need to clean up those maps a little bit. But i think it is always...
Infection... i was thinking same. It would look cool as something like mining complex . But I think that Overlook might be cool for slayer or...
Thats why the firefight maps should be cleared of any crates and such.
I would do some really nice maps on Unearthed. Or maybe if glacier would be cleaned out of "****" like boxes and crates, you can do really nice...
But you can delete like path-finding and elite spawns, and just make multiplayer map on for example Unearthed ;]
Hello everyone. I would like to start a little discussion here, I dont know if it was posted before or not, so sorry in advance. Dont you think...
Wow, really nice map. I love the grassy circle. Actually it would be nice to play some slayer there.
The Xun idea is really good, actually I can make a grid inside the forerunners structure so it will be easy to make grid a bridge. And i wanted to...
Actually I am Opened for any ideas so you can give me yours. I wanted to make like normal bridge that spawns in 3rd phase, with plasma shields on...
Hello everyone. Yesterday i played some halo 3. I loved the mission when master chief is attacking an installation. He must fight with two scarabs...
Well if you played Halo ODST you can remember the gates and walls that separate each part of a city. Maybe you can make Walls and closed gates as...
Yep i played on 4 team CTF game, it was kinda fun, but the map was too small for all 16 players xD
Well if you want to make illussion you should make something like Coliseum walls in place of canyon walls, and there should be a kill zone so...