Thanks Aice Thread updated with new pictures/download link UPDATE I redid a large amount of the map since posting it. -Framerate has been...
[IMG] Lunar Outpost is a big team battle 12-16 player map designed around warthog and infantry combat. Infantry has multiple routes to take...
Thanks for the feedback guys, I made some updates to Crucifix based on what I experienced as well as feedback I've received. -Gold side has a...
I haven't played on the forge island variant yet, but I like what I see. It is a shame that SaLoT's map got all the recognition in testing phases...
Hey it was a good tag haha. That is true I could add some more visual detail to the map, its something I've considered in the past. I wanted a...
Good job, that was a pain in the ass haha. Love the map bud, look forward to more hog runs soon!
I've had a lot of fun playing this map in both Reach and 4. I'm glad you went with a custom game type for the map, Infinity Slayer would be a...
Really frame drops? I've never seen that on forge island, unless it was a modded map. I'll have to keep an eye on that I know of some things I can...
Haha glad you got an eye out for any map thefts Randy. It looks like Crucifix will make its way into the initial round of Forge Island maps! Let...
[IMG] Crucifix is a mid scale 4v4-5v5 map with a four way central structure bearing the brunt of the battle. The four way central structure is...
I got a game in last night and I thought it played pretty well. The map looked beautiful just walking around. I did feel that the center was...
Wow that looks amazing, I love the choice of forging it in the fog and using rocks as well. Very aesthetically pleasing.
[IMG] Map Name: Apex Author Gamertag: Wraith2098 Tags BLUEPRINT, APEX, WRAITH2098, BTB Screenshots [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]...
did you try putting a teleporter on the other side of the boundary? I've never heard of that happening before, are you sure you didn't build the...
[IMG] Author: Wraith2098 Canvas Map: Erosion Player Count:12-16 Description: Catacomb is a Dominion based symmetric map. All competitive...
I played an infection map last night that did that and it looked really good. Here's a video of the map, [media]
Map looks great Fenix! There are going to be a lot of beautiful maps coming out of this canvas :)
this is really going to make for some awesome machinima
I actually think the inside of the island looks really cool for forging. You can make some very unique looking maps and the big wall of fog at the...
Windows are under the building section and they used the Ravine object pallet for this map. I didn't know Ravine had trees and massive rocks by...