1 embedded screen shot or 1 video, but I put in the screenshot to make you happy :) I read the rules before posting and I included a video, and...
[IMG] Waystation is a map I created in 4-6 hours worth of work for a lan party last Saturday. Sadly, no one got to play it because everyone was...
Actually, I don't remember my reason for putting the one way shields there, it was something I made quick back in November. Well even if those...
[IMG] Some time ago I had the idea of doing Jousting in Halo: Reach. Gravity Hammers, flying through the air, and such. Now I couldn't think of...
Thanks, I'm not the best Forger out there for sure xD But I love doing it. Weapon placement and Spawn placement are not my strong points when it...
9-Volt [IMG] This is the first(and currently only) map I made using Chris Carney's method: draw a scheme on paper and adapt it into Forge. It's...