i will playtest tonight if you need someone hit me up GT: bloody fetus19
layout looks good, i think a little cover down the sides of the long open tunnels would b nice, just on sides though so vehicle travel isnt...
Being as picky as I am, I'm amazed at the fact I don't have any real issues with this map at all. I only did a walk through, no match, and it...
only problem i can see without playing is the line of sight on the upper large play area is huge 360 degree, break it up with some structure or it...
Map looks massive but i love asymetric big team maps i'll try it when i get home for shure, message me and i would b happy to play test. verry...
sweet thanks , now time 4 fun on your great looking maps . i still maybe a fool, and it might be on purpose but in the [about me] section of your...
i might be a fool but your gamertag doesnt seem 2 exist , i want 2 play your maps.
no flameing or insulting exist on this post friend, what u talkin about willis? and thanks again stevo !
thank you, i can post text but am unsure about screenshots, or video. trial and error i guess, anybody kuow please share.
thanks, especially 4 the lag info. knowing their are differences between lag and framerate issues is helpful. i need 2 now be able 2 identify the...
he even suggests that he is COMEING ACROSS as a **** not being 1. i sent him a message thanking him because he did help. he just made alot of...
first off thanks 4 ur post i wont take it personaly but you did com off as a complete ****. in my country, the us of a we prefer efficiency ,...
i have a few things i want 2 polish before officially posting my first 2 maps . First question is can i even post using only a ps3 ? Next i have...
i need advise on a # of issues i have before posting my map officially . these range from small things that can be answered by text to things that...
map looks great and im down to help test any map any time just ring.
i am down to help test. its impossible to give any real feedback without playing myself. it looks good so send me invite when testing.
im happy 2 help ,looks good, send invite when testing see if im on, ill send xbl message 2 make it easy 4 u, great work
it looks pro. its on my list. im short on halo friends and new to hub. if ur playtesting and need a player send invite. great work makes me...
go to the introduction section and introduce yourself and say hello
of course