I wish i was as good a forger as most of the guys on forgehub my posts only get 1 post from someone then ignored for the rest of the time :( but...
Iwouldnt mind taking it ive got a really good idea for the rest of this
yeah I've been making a lot of enclosed maps with my friends this week and wanted to do something more open and I also ran out of budget along the...
Hello,this is my second map on forge hub but my first map preview. So this map I give credit to Equin0x for his map adoption thread and for the...
Yep ive finished the Bravo-04 map its called Breakdown and im about to post the preview now as i need testers at the minutes its only slayer but...
This map is awesome my friend I love the way you have used pieces to make urban style aesthetics this really takes me back to the ghost town days...
I wouldn't mind helping you test it what's your time zone so i'll be able to come on at the right time my GT:N00BYb00by1
I've downloaded all 3 and so far Bravo-04 is really coming along nicely I haven't started on the others as of yet but after I've finished Bravo-04...
Hi i've been thinking and have thought of an idea. How about i help out those who are in need with some maps that have potential but the forger...
I don't mind helping you out my gt:N00BYb00by1
Hi everyone this isn't exactly a preview more of a announcement and info but anyway onto the reason you click on here. I have decided to make...
Timmy you are an AMAZING forger and in my opinion one of the best on fh at making remakes i would love to forge with you sometime my gts:...
i dont mind helping out im pretty good at forging but only have one map posted on FH at the min so i dont mind helping out
wats ur gt
i wouldnt mind doing body acting
Hi I go to a club at school and we basically have to make films me and my mates have got into a group and we decided to do a machinima and...
As the title says ive ran out of inspiration for maps and need ideas anyone got any :D
ive got an idea release a WHOLE GAME dedicated to forge and when you upload them to file share they are compatible with halo reach and it should...
Map Style:competitive slayer/ffa map Map Name Preferences: Map Quality Named After: Map Name Meaning: Map Description: closed in and has to levels...
GT:xXTRPEaVeNgErX TIME ON:About 4:00-9:00 gmt time JOB:hell yh