ah **** picked a bad day to get back into forging
i want some roy rogers
like i said on the other thread omgoggggggg omgggggggggg omgggmggmgmgmgggggggomg a reason to come back to this wonderful place and be happy with...
your welcome andrew! omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg omggggg omgggggggggggggggggggggggggg a reason to come back to this site and share my happiness...
you must be hung like a horse all i have to say.
Thanks peloquino, i started the map with the docks and sewer system and built up from there.
Really good map you got here jp. Im very happy to see you made a v2 and took alot of the advice i gave you, it plays well and looks great. Great...
where is the 'like' button?
truly a great, well forged urban map which has great gameplay. I enjoyed testing this a lot. I love the whole urban feel and the river you have...
There use to be a huge frame rate issue, however i got rid of basically all the frame rate lag, and thanks bro. I love my boats ,thank you glad...
Thanks debo, and i didn't make a stupid name just for you! Thanks stick i <3 this comment, glad you enjoy the map.
Thanks a lot bro im glad you like my maps
yeahh about that spot, i edited it so its not that cheap anymore =P, however you seemed to be the only one who seemed to succeed in using it well.
this looks awesome, hit me up when you test for sure bro, looks like something i would enjoy.
This is a solid map you got here schnitzel, i like the general layout, the map flows well and played well for 3 plots. I enjoyed playing with the...
I enjoyed this map furg, playing team slayer and flag was well balanced and fun. I love the urban feel to the map and the whole turf inspired...
i love rev ball, you made an awesome reach original game, i like the new ball chute, im deff downloading and gonna get some games going, great job...
Thanks dude!, i spent a lot of time getting rid of the frame rate lag so a normal game should be frame rate free Thanks man, that's the feel i...
yo gangster i released a new map http://www.forgehub.com/forum/reach-competitive-maps/116273-walnopolis.html