Looks amazing, my only complaint is that it's a bit open... But whatever. Great architecture, I really caught the feel of Soverngarde.
Ahhh, you finally got around to posting it. These were a blast to playtest, I'm going to have to say, Act 12 was my favorite. It's like nothing...
This map can be creepy has hell. Great gameplay experience, I enjoyed it alot with the meager 8-man lobby I managed to muster. I almost wonder...
Very original concept, I'm interested to see how it plays out. I think I'll sit playing this one out though, as I couldn't hit the broad side of...
Great, another one. And this time it won't only be America... The fact that it's been debated in secret really bothers me. The entertainment...
A space station Infection map where your ship is hit by several missiles carrying biological weapons. Very rough right now, but I like how it's...
Thank you. I hope it is alright with you if I use it in a map I'm making. EDIT: Interesting update on the post, like the "Strategies" part.
Cool effect though it seems like it really belongs in aesthetic.
Looks small for really anything except maybe 1v1, but it could serve as a great center or other piece in a larger map.
The tower looks lazily done, and it looks too wide to be a feasible "Carrier" but you certainly have talent at forge.
One question: How did you get the screen to shake in Act 7 to emulate bombs hitting? Because the effect is kickass. If you don't mind I'd like to...
That's not necessarily true, just because a map lacks a ceiling doesn't make it play any better or worse.
If you think you call pull it off well I guess it's worth a shot; I'd look into it, though maybe not soon as I seldom logon here... Alas I'm...
Very inventive and great execution. You should make a Forge tutorial on miniature stuff like this, it's awesome.
I seldom post on these forums, let alone log in, but this is ****ing awesome. You did everything right, great maps. Acts 3 and 6 especially.
That is amazing. People truly put insane gametypes to work... Great job.
Dude, I played on your Zombie Campaign maps... They are awesome...
Well... After playing these, I have to say I'm impressed. I got a lobby of 14 people, and we ran through all 8... they all are a wonderful blend...
Hah, no wonder I had a bad experience, I was playing with the wrong gametype or something. It was about a month ago, so I couldn't say for sure....
Ah. I wasn't aware these were journey maps. The number just seemed ridiculous.