Thank you very Much for yours Advise, i'll try to be more creative with version 2, Like i said this kind of map borned to have fun in a small...
Hi Everybody I Create this simple map, is nothing special but really funny to play, is a restricted area, simulate the bizarre costructions of...
thank you for the Advise :) i'll do it, thanks again!!
great Stadium!!! very versatile!!! Good !!!! ready to Download I love this kind of maps, i courious to try all others gametype you setted on it,...
do you mean the delimited area???
Ok i'll corret all theese parameters tonight thanks for the Advise, and apologyze! p.s. i'll do the same thing for the other map i posted...
XD it's true i made a mistake!!! :D
correct :)
This map is very funny to play, is setted for a small group 3vs3 max, or for a real frenetic all against all. This map was created for a real...
I Really Love the Highland Map but is too big for a small group, so i decide to take a portions and create a versatile map for close combats. I...
thank you so much and sorry if i wrong :) i Update the map and the gametype i hope you'll enjoy let me know thanks everybody
hi Everybody i'm Cainos From Florence Italy so Sorry for My English, i would share to you my little creature, is a sort of tribute to an old Game...