If you're looking for a good RTS, Total Annihilation. If you need another FPS, Tribes 2 is also a lot of fun.
Vehicles have always required ammunition in Battlefield, infinite vehicle ammunition was only introduced in the Bad Companies.
New Battlefield 3 multiplayer footage just shown live at Gamescom. BF3 GamesCom Caspian Border Gameplay - EA
I really don't understand why people are calling this a Minecraft clone. The only real things the two games have in common are the ability to...
It looks like it could be good, but there are some features that look like they could ruin the game for me. I hate that they replaced melee...
I assume that it's a PC to console port since it uses DX11 and supports 64 players per game, they've said that they're giving the PC version...
The return of Jets, 64 player maps, the ability to go prone, and destructible environments were all things people following the game were...
The tower and cables were recycled from a computer bought 10 years ago, so I apologize, I did not consider that, although I'm sure most people can...
I built a gaming PC for around $600 that can run any game I've played on max settings, which is cheap considering that I would have gotten a new...
I would say that the ability to mod a game on the PC makes it much more enjoyable, when concerning games such as Oblivion and Fallout 3 there were...
It's not a hell world, you find portals that send you to the hell area and then you portal out somewhere else and end up miles away from the...
Checked out a few of my old saves, I had some nice accomplishments on some of them. I made a tower of snow with a diameter of 32 blocks that...
Happy birthday, person who's never on Skype.
Sixpakvb.six, I played Terran a lot in Brood War but prefer Toss in Starcraft II.
What are you doing? Get on skype now.
Oh ****. the new SC2 beta update adds the map editor
Sixpakvb.six , I'm a protoss player. Not that great at 2v2s, mostly do 1v1s.
I hate void rays so much. I took out his base with 4 collosi and he continued to spam pylons all over the map while he was killing my base with...
Get on SC2. We can FFA. Playing with Gr4phix, I'll be on there.