Did some tweaking, and changed the weapons up a bit. Feels more balanced imo. Which means the newly updated map can now be downloaded.
Stingray Stingray is my very first attempt at a Competitive Team-Slayer map. With Stingray players are fighting on a small island, and it's a very...
I'm down for this. I need my maps tested anyways! :)
Fixed the map, and added the new download links in the OP. Tested it, and it now runs properly. :) EDIT: Little problem with damage variables,...
Thanks, would definitely love some feedback! EDIT: Have to rework some of the spawning problems. If the zombie dies the round doesn't restart, so...
Thanks for the feedback! I thought having it in the air would be neat. Maybe I should switch to water sometime soon.
[IMG] About: Fish In A Barrel is a custom game variant/map based on the old saying "It's like shooting fish in a barrel". The concept is pretty...
Oh sweet, thanks for the heads up!
[IMG] About Skyball Skyball is a variant of Grifball with a small amount of twists. In Skyball players are on two teams of four (Blue Team,...
Single, short clips like that won't get much attention on YouTube. Your best bet in my eyes would be to make a montage of clips, similar to the...
Alright, I'll be up for testing. Seems like a cool idea, and I always love me some Infection and Resident Evil ;)
Downloading as I type this, I'm always looking for new maps to play with when I mess around with friends. This seems perfect!
Just got the game, so I haven't had anything amazing, or quite epic yet. However, I used Armor Lock for the first time, deflected an enemies...