Shield doors = lots of lag. Lights and fxs = lots of lag. The glass on the bridges x-larges = lots and lots of lag. Otherwise, it looks good. I...
Mander, did you intentionally vote that this map was "not your style"?
Third time's a charm? Map name: Anvil Map creator: James (local profile I often use so that my friends don't join) Picture:[IMG] Bungie download...
In splitscreen, lights do not actually "glow" in order to prevent lag. Try loading up your map with only one person if you haven't already.
do you mean "French"? on topic post: This map seems pretty open in spots; I realize that that's probably so that vehicles have more room to...
This: It pretty much just says what MockKnizzel has...
An explanation of the glitch can be found here:...
The metal pallets are about the size of a standard crate and cannot be destroyed like the pallet large (though i think the pallet larges might be...
The more staff picks I've seen over the past few weeks, the more I have felt that there is one thing missing. The staff never explain why they...
You can try just giving the elites splazers or something to take out the falcons, but I don't know how that would effect your close-quarter...
Dude, sorry about your grandpa. The map looks pretty sweet, however, and I really like your rocks. I think you nailed the "sun" theme, a...
It may be just me, but I usually find the drop shield to be better than amour lock and a sniper more powerful than a grenade launcher. Have you...
This: might help you with setting up other...
looks interesting, but maybe you could post an overview pic, cause i'm having a hard time getting an idea of the overall layout.
Hey, just fyi, your link's broken.
I agree, the aesthetics on this map are wonderful, though I'm concerned about how the long pathways do during gameplay.
Looks like an interesting idea, but the forging and presentation seem somewhat sloppy... I feel your map would get a lot more attention if you...
your problem may be that you have loaded it up in forge... the frame rate in forge is usually considerably worse than in a normal game, this extra...