I will only teabag when I'm trying to get into someone's head. And that's pretty rare. Normally I'll just punch their body so I'm not standing...
I don't think anyone thus far has understood the thread or explained it well. The OP is talking about those moments when you both are just...
Alright, well I came back after doing several 1v1's with several people (I never lost, btw), and I must say, it's a very fine map for 1v1s. At...
I'm at a 33 right now in MLG, right smack dab in the middle of all the arrogant kids who can't get their 50's, know that they are superior, and...
33, highest it has been is a 34. I usually have to play it alone, and it sucks when I can't find people who have mics, always wrecks the game....
MLG, I'm not saying I'm the best at it, but those are the gametypes I've grown really used to. I've seen countless strategies on all the maps, and...
Maps posted here need to include the following: The title of your map as the title for this thread (so your map is called EpicSkyTrack, you'd...
Or you can do what I did and just keep the spawns, weapons, vehicles, and objective points of an OLN canvas. If you just keep those, you'll hit...
You could get on that arch area (and the other one too) if you grenade jump, however, if someone sees you, you're screwed. You have no cover, and...
Everytime I see someone comment on the pictures, I always see "Looks too open." NO, it is not open, you just haven't figured out the routes on it...
There is no real fixed way of being able to do this. Sure you can do one at the start (which has been mentioned already), but what happens at the...
I love flame-bait, don't you? That's such a stupid argument to bring up that doesn't earn you any dignity. Does it really matter if he has or not?
Think a bit. If you're an elite, you are better at power drain jumping over radar jammers and flares. Now think about which equipment is generally...
Well you just gave me a good incentive to finish forging the map I'm working on, however, I'm not sure that I'll be done by May 7th. I don't want...
Good guide, although you do not need to be host to do equipment jumps. It just makes it easier if you're host. Yeah, so that's why a lot of...
FIRST! Yeah, anyways now that I got this aside, let's discuss the importance of interlocking, shall we? Interlocking lets us remove the...
Try using up to 8 starting spawn points on Spawn Area 1 and then up to 8 on Spawn Area 2. Either set them to attackers (blue) or defenders (red)...
Ignore those comments. When someone says the words "Looks" and "open" in the same sentence, they only scanned the pictures. The reality is that...
Seriously, SQ has some of the chillest pros I've seen yet. They are awesome to watch, and not just your report, but I've heard how awesome of...
This happened with my clan's team as well. They were practicing strats and stuff, and they decided to hit the MLG playlist. They are around 34-35...