I think the grid seems to fit the aesthetic. Pretty much the only case where I've seen the grid used well. Also helps for vehicles on a floating...
i think something that would really help is for you to have some form of walkway between a few of the bases. Connecting the bases makes them...
They really are terrible. One map has a 30 second rocket spawn... Dude in our game got 19 rocket kills in a team game to 50. Another has a room...
eh, I disagree a bit. The differences in the bases dont really effect the balance and add variety to the map. I think he should leave it the way...
i know its been said, but good invasion maps and good natural looking maps are hard to come by. Well done, other than a few spawning problems, my...
i would like to reiterate what madcow said. Walls just dont fit this map. Soft kill boundaries are the way to go. Also, I think you should...
aside from chimp said, it seems to be almost too expansive such that you can easily lose track of the battle. Are there any kill boundaries,...
while combo could have said it nicer, he is right. There are a ton of maps and nobody has time to try them all out. If you want people to give...