I shall make a soccer stadium and if the limit of Forge is really high, I will try to recreate parts of my hometown. Would also like to finish...
If it is more user-friendly (you can resize objects and such) all the ideas I never even tried in Reach would be fullfilled.
My eyes are bleeding from that wall of orange text... Anyway, you're map seems pretty sweet. I did really like the thumbnail pic (top Purple...
Well, this was a really cool map, but I can't really see where the "Death Star - fell" is. Correct me if I am wrong, but this is "just" another...
Good and interesting, although I have to be honest - I have seen better (Marcass version was incredible!), but still, this is really good! Keep it...
Love how clean and awesome this looks, really sweet! Never played Quake, but I am downloading this to play. Although it looks a little open for...
4x4 is a good size, that's why it's often used as floor. It's just easy to make walls, doors and windows fit nicely with that floor. 4x4 is a...
My Xbox Live Gold is out atm, but if you had some maps were I can get inspiration I would really like to DL them. Also I have been testing a...
Big thanks to you guys! I see that the teleporters is almost a 50/50 situation, but they are there for a reason. A good reason too - I like...
This was extremely cool. I kinda agrees with comments above, make it available with Invasion!
artifact123: I'm not sure about that, I think people will be frustrated getting killed. I have to decide if doing this for solo play or 2-4...
I am going to try Forge this, and if I don't succed so well, your help would be nice. Testing I can guarantee I would like help with, becasue my...
I have actually had an idea like that before. 4 humans, all spawning in diffrent rooms, with different weapons. In one room there was a sniper,...
Hello there dear Forgehuber's! I have some questions I would like to discuss with you. I am having a Forge + Custom Gametype idea for Infection...
The teleporters are going to stay. They make the gameplay a little various and are fun to use. Yes, you see each other from across the balconies,...
This is just looking fantastic.
* Volcano by Sylux * Taurus by Hulter Pretty much theese for now.
Color, and alot more object of different sizes so they will fit better together. Decoration pieces would be really awesome and I wouldn't cry if...
Cool, and good, idea if you pull it of.
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