Guys, it doesn't matter about the post, it's the map! Anyway, I cant make the pics bigger!
A map that is perfect for any MLG gametype. Try it out. Here it is [IMG] [IMG] : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
This map is good. I like.
Great looking map, awesome job on weapon placement.
It's an amazingly huge map. It isn't the best looking, but it is the best game play wise. Here's the link to the map....
Oh, and there is no specific gametype. I would set it up and then it wouldn't work?
Here's the link to my map. Here's pictures. A sniping spot. [IMG] An overhead view. [IMG]
Clearly you don't know how to post maps. You have to show pictures. I am not going to download your map because of it.
NO! I have never even heard of fishbowl. And this is better any way.
None taken, hey did you download it? Because the number of downloads has stayed the same for 2 days straight.
I put this map on mini game maps. It really is both. Here is some pics and the link to my map....
[img] [img] [img]
I will have pictures today.
I will have pictures and game variants posted real soon. Just try out my map.
Here is my map. At the bottom of the screen are some pictures. There isn't really any specific game variant for it but it is fun for Crazy King....