The map looks interesting to play on from the pics. It would help to see an overview picture. I like how you made a rock ring around the base of...
Is the platform in the middle overpowered? It looks like you can see about the whole map and you can use the columns as a cover. Try to get some...
The map looks good from what I can see, and I'm interested in helping you test. GT= Knight of 0rder (O in order is a zero).
I would also add more height variation on the map. Other than the bases and the rock arch the map is flat. Adding different heights will make...
I had a lot of fun on this map a few nights ago in Hulk's lobby. The map felt really fast paced and required a lot of team communication. I like...
You can't link pictures directly from your fileshare. I download the pics from my fileshare and then upload them to another website (I use...
Your download link takes you to download a screenshot, not the map.
Yeah, Edifice is my favorite out of the maps. I haven't had the chance to play them all though. I always seem to play Assault, Blacksite, and...
It looks a lot like Danger Canyon, or at least what I remember of it. Danger Canyon wasn't my favorite map, but hopefully your re-imagining of the...
I don't think most people really care if the map can support splitscreen. I try to get my maps to work with splitscreen because then I am sure...
I'll try the map out this week and give you some feedback.
The map looks pretty nice. I agree with what others have said about the openness of the map and so on. Is the map in your file share yet? If the...
It looks like we aren't going to have enough people for the testing lobby so I'm going to call it off. Thanks for volunteering though.
I'm having a testing session for my map Curvature Saturday 7:00 EDT. If you are interested in attending, it would be great if you could send me a...
Thanks for all of the comments. Given To Fly: Sorry I stole your map name :) If you really want the map name, I would be happy to change my map's...
Yeah it is quite a bit different. A lot of people are gone from this site and activity has really gone down. But members are coming back, and we...
You need more pics. I can't tell what the map really is like at all from that one pic.
I would love to join your next test(s) for Ballistic just send me a message before it starts.
I really like the look of the map from the video. It looks like you have a ton of elevation changes on the map which I really like to see. The map...