I've tryed S and D gametypes before and this one looks pretty interesting considering the classes. I recommend this on larger maps like boneyard...
This game is really fun for customs with 4-16 players. It's not really competetive but more for just fun, if that's what you're looking for....
I made a gametype that is the halo version of dragon ball Z. My friends and I love it and have had a lot of fun with it. Play on the complete...
The custom powerup forced color is something a had in my first version. I don't know why I switched it to off. That's a good idea. In all...
Nope I haven't even thought of that. I just saw it as a total insta kill and thought it had to go, but that could actually work. Thanks for the...
SLAYER PLUS+ Slayer Plus+ is my attempt at making halo a twitch shooter such as unreal tournement. I have had a lot of fun with it so far, but...
I haven't tryed the map yet but I like the premise of it. You should include a little backstory of the minotaur in your post to gain interest....
Thank you I will be sure to do that. enjoy! Edit: I added some new and better pictures to show the map more.
Tagline: Risk your life for the promise of prosperity and the entertainment of millions in the Amphitheater. I've been working on this map for a...