if your covies you can upgrade your base and it will take the hit for you. For unsc i don't know an effective tactic beyond killing the hog...
One thing I've found to be very effective in reinforcements is pelicans. I almost never use them in standard but hit and runs can cause so much...
I thought as much really. In the interest of a possibly upgrading our desktop at some point how much hoop jumping is involved with 64-bit at the...
Street fighter on the snes...woah I'm only 15 and I feel old by comparison to some of the answers here ;) This...and Ocarina of time...and...
Okay so I'm getting the laptop in the next few weeks. We already have a desktop in the house so there isnt really room for one just for me. A...
"Playlist overlord says NO!" There Blam! filter has many many thing that are strange with it
Lol?Facepalm anyone? Feel free to add me in, trying to work into more customs than matchmaking ;)
Well berserkers i think were taken out of the game by choice on the developers side. Overall i think they were "replaced" by the extra variety...
Coolant by throwing your leader in there you can put even more pressure on him. Playing in teams you can successfully keep two of them busy while...
Nah two versions are enough. Do a reverse hobo heightsspawn a bunch of zombies on floating pallets in random parts of skybox. But more for extra...
Oh course i forgot the whole point of a web forum is to sit around going "Oh yes i agree,ho hum yes yes definately.Mmm this smug is good,oh yes...
I'm sorry this thread was silly but that it the stupidest thing i've seen in it. This whole idea of "we aren't able to be elitist about our...
Silly people asking the game developers to change integral parts of a games software...over the interwebz...with magik. With all the...
I like to suicide bomb his/(her???) base and use my arby to mop up the units then do this to make sure he doesnt get it back :)
Number nine of chuck norris in oblivion finally came out xD Now we can comence waiting for number 10. Theres just something awesome about how...
Your intellect and humor is astounding. It is funny because he almost said *****...
Well. Vulture bombing is always fun and rewarding. Getting 30 engineers and your leader to wipe an entire base is good for teh lolz. As is...
Some of the annoyingly tricky achievements used to make it a piece of really unmoist and bricky cake to get.New achievements make it a good bit...
Yeah I'm with the general consensus.N00b is an inexperienced player who acts like a tool and in my opinion make playing online games...
I like pumping up the arbiter and making as many suicide grunts as i can. Upgraded they only need like 13 of the possible fifty to kill a fortress...