I have now made them bigger and the reason why there's not much stuff is because it is a template if somone wants to use it for their own map But...
Welcome to my first post on forge hub. Now the titan mines should not be confused with the titan mines off dead space 2 as they are different. The...
I agree with grif. The first building was alot better and has more stuff in it. But i love how you made both buildings either way and i hope to...
Wow its very realistic although it is bad that you cant make a big daddy though btw would it be possible to add me if not then will you be able to...
Rifte, would it be possible to send me the map GT is LikedLewis BTW cant wait for act 3
this is the most accurate starship troopers ship Ive seen Try and buils one of the boats from starship troopers 3 marauder