Looks cool atm... btw; does the name have anything to do with the band of the same name?
Stop being an MLG stereotype, you don't help MLG at all, i bet you don't even know what MLG's goal is. But for the framerate issues, there's none,...
1. that jump was like my fav jump of all halos, so thats why i was dissappointed, lol. 2. Just thought it was weird, i fell off from guardian,...
When checking it out i was dissappointed that the jump from S1 to S2 wasn't there... I loved that jump... But anyhow; why's there a plasma nade on...
Closest thing would be Firefight VS.
Sooo i can find out now? :D
which one you mean? the tunnel,long's or the other one? If the tunnel then; That's only one corridor you can be in, it's 4tunnel,long's, and if...
Beaver is a mid-size map that i made, but it got some bugs/things left undone for it's release, no it has NOTHING to do with beaver creek, need to...