Hey no problem man. Good luck with the rest of the tournament.
I really like this map, but it's been deleted from your file share or something so I can't download it. The aesthetics look great and I hope...
They said there will be no map editor; that forge already served that purpose. They also never shut down the idea that they would give us a huge...
ZOMG! Read the Bungie WWU! At the bottom they name Purple Reign as Assembly. Assembly is one of the names in the list. So the list must be legit...
Hey man, the map looks great. It seems completely unbreakable and will now serve as my arena styled map whenever I'm feeling competitive. You...
This map looks really good! The only thing I can find wrong with it is that the tripmine side looks easily escapable with a grenade jump. Other...
Wow, the map looks great man. The aesthetics flow so well together, and I bet gameplay is good too. 5/5
This is an absolutely stunning map. 5/5 for sure. The layout is completely original, with that awesome center structure to top it off. I can't...
Wow guys, I'm positive he just meant the downfall of foundry, since because of this new map, no one will be using it anymore. Or maybe he thinks...
I can't believe you would freak out about my post.
well that's nothing new then, you didn't have to give me negative rep, a pm would have sufficed.
Yeah I already have it posted over on THIS thread. EDIT:way to give me negative rep, this was way old, so I thought you were talking about the...
Halo 3 - Interactive Innovation Acceptance Speech | GamesRadar Here's another video by bungie with a better view of the map at the end of that...
Idk too much about it, but on Highimpacthalo they are saying it's what comes up when someone looks at your status. For example: when you look at...
Hey everyone. I was searching the internet this morning being bored when I came across this. Apparently a user named Zortum searched deep inside...
Yeah I tricked you all, I somehow got the arbiter and chief into multiplayer, you're exactly right. /sarcasm
Glad you all like it. Here are some more screens I took up there. I just realized how bad photobucket screws up the pics when it shrinks them so...
[IMG] THIS WAS NOT PHOTOSHOPPED IN ANY WAY! I took it from on the VERY TOP of the building next to the scarab battle. I had to launch a...
I've actually got out of the map with the phantom, flipped it continuously down the mountain, pushed it off the mountain and rode it down to that...
The monster looks remarkably similar to the one in the movie. I'd probably even recognize it without the title. I also saw the movie and thought...