link to download is broke it takes you to http://www.[url] same... update fix link : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
iFeeL uR SoRRoW you should edit your first post so everyone knows the map is MVG999's then change the link to MVG999's fileshare so he gets the...
good map, looks like MVG999's map that was made in may of 2008 check it : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Share
i am going to saw something that is helpful: i searched Stealthyhawk14 on and found your file share. i think this is the right url for...
i do like this map but it seems too small. there are a lot of thing to get stuck on while walking because even though it is smooth you cant always...
the only thing i found wrong is a spawn trap when i played para flag. The spawn is in the corner of the attackers sniper spawn. I get stuck and...
it does look like lockdown but i can tell it was made from scratch not lockdown with diff weapons nice work. but the center and mid bases are very...
sweet the map has barely been out and you found a hidden room. looks like a fun infection map. good work getting it out quick but still good.
third person shooter/ sandbox/ rpg
i agree. i don't like how most conquest maps are one path. I am also board in school and think of thing like this. im just not a good forger
if there is a flamethrower in it, it is not competitive.
have you seen matty's new map Ayleid?It should be a featured map because it is awesome.
all your maps are 5/5 sweet you should make a map with matty your maps both be off the chain. any ideas for legendary maps?
this really should be in mlg and/or matchmaking!!!! It is aswem!!!!!!
all the maps that go with the game type Conquest are sweet. I think the teleporter box is a great idea. forge hub got the best maps!!!!!1
i think he means "if there was forge in halo 2, how would you forge lockout to make it better?'
nice map i noob combo teams a sweet idea. having a plasma rifle might work too
nice, so do you just copy and paste once you type and check the boxes?
don't make the spawn points attackers and defenders The problem with soccer is geting the ball in the goal doesn't give your team a point like...