I just ran through the map and was pleased with the over all layout. The weapon spawns seem a bit stingy. I usually like a few more points of...
I always hate to be critical; But, I was a bit disappointed. The use of the tele ports to get into the lower hall ways felt like a tack on or a...
If you would want to try a middle pillar you could use one way shield doors to slow players moving through the man cannons. They would hit the one...
I guess it's just a matter of preference. I hope you don't mind that we have edited it to suit our tastes. Thanks for the good map!
AC or Over shield would draw a lot of attention.
My friends and I played this map last night. 4v4 ctf. It was a ton of fun. Though we did have some spawning issues. From time to time we would...
I can assure that the turret can not dominate. The sniper spawns in an area that has a direct sight line to the turret. If you watch the tour...
Great map!!! I was a bit put off by the flag spawns at first. It plays great though. I still can't help but think how cool it would be with the...
I thought the map looked great in some spots. Game play felt a bit awkward though. Not enough ways to get around and hard to navigate at times...
Video Tour. 20658324 Escalator is a symmetrical small/medium CTF/Team Slayer map. This map is particularly fun for 2 flag CTF matches....
A friend brought to my attention that the entire map is purple. It would make communication easier if you broke it down in to 4 colors. A color...
run dynamically? I play 3 on 3 games regularly, it seems fine. Please explain. I would like to know how it could improve.
Everything played solid. I'll get some more people on it and let you know.
If a map confuses people, they just won't want to play again. Simplify your lay outs in the future. It did have some nice qualities. It gave me a...
Thank you. Let me know what you think after you play it.
In Door Out House Small symmetrical slayer/ctf map. The simple open layout keep the game moving. CTF games are fast and action packed. The bases...
Such a neat looking map. I was surprised at how small it was. Their are not enough small maps around. This one is a keeper. Nice work.
The last two are links to videos. edit: embedded now.
Escalator This is a symmetrical map. Its basically 3 sloped hall ways. It was built with multi flag CTF in mind. Their are 4 equally viable flag...