Hey guys thanks for all the positive feed back and sorry for the extremly delayed reply, i stopped play reach for a while but ive started back up...
Hey Forgehub, this is the second map I have forged and decided to post it to see what you all thought of it. Basically it all started when I was...
Well done good sir, the map looks great, and I really like the size too. not to big not to small. I look forward to see what you come up with next!
Hey Udix Welcome to forgehub man, I'm happy to see you working on forging its pretty addicting stuff. The map looks solid. I defiantly agree...
Hey guys, thanks for the feed back I'm glad you enjoy it. I'm don't really know how long it took me cause I would sort of work on it and forget...
This Map is sick, so much fun for snipers, i also really like the aesthetics job well done man. I think you need to add some soft kill barriers...
I believe what A Silent Emu is refering to is his map called Crystal Summit Observatory which has obvious similarities with my map like the name...
man so happy u made this, my friends and i play your H3 version alot and i have been looking for your reach reimagining for some time. Great job...
Map: Observatory Bungie.net Link: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details Designed & Forged By: C0N5TANTINE Picture: [IMG]
Hey man i really like that map it plays really well, i like the name too :P gameplay was a lot of fun! the only thing i noticed is unless you turn...
Man i have no clue why this map doesnt have any comments it looks great im going to give it a dl and i will let you know what i think
Hey man i really like the look of you map its a very nice design and i enjoy the open corridor style game play, my only problem was the bumping...
You should make it like infection, where the infected have swords, hammers and unlimited jet pack and the humans have hornets. flying around...
Man, Foundation was one of my favorite maps and i haven't found one that feels right, ill check back when you have pictures up im really hopeful
The Overview is now up, please download and tell me what you think.
Looks really awesome giving it a DL!
Dude I am so happy you re made this I played the original alot with my friends and this has the same fun game play style. Great Job!
I will try to post an overview as soon as I can. My Xbox just red ring 10mins ago :( FML
Observatory 2.0 This is an UPDATED VERSION of the first map I have tried to forge. I find with some maps I come across it is difficult to...