A blog? row row
It looks too washed out. I'm not liking the text at all. I love the colors however, and I think you should bring out the focal more.
If you ever see him tell him that Lollerskates still loves him :D
Gunslinger is now Straight lolin.
I've known him since he was Bib bob through Gunslinger.
Your question is too vague...
I will sig and link to your dA if you do me one dewd.
I'd love to do this with you. I've just started though :/... Anyways, my gamertag is Loiierskates, feel free to msg/add me.
"Hellfire *****" SMG 308 x 10 Damage Really fast fire rate x4 Fire Elemental +10 Ammo Regen It's red colored. Rarest guns in the game.
Just started my second playthrough shoutbox nao.
Jaa bic boi. What level/char are you? Add meh gamertag LoIIerskates.
I am interested. I will start brainstorming tomorrow.
I think it's pretty sick. I love Mordecai guy. Now just make it 1920 x 1200 res. ;)
Depth doesn't always have to be from front to back...cameras can focus on points in the image and everything else will be blurred.
If you go to 4chan's /wg/ board I'm sure someone will find it. Or /r/.
In honor of my new favorite game. Yes, I didn't do much to it, I was just going for depth and shtuff. [IMG] I play as a hunter.
The mountains are all leaning one way and they don't seem very realistic.
Cole Funk