I just played on this map the other day, in the same lobby as you actually...anyway, I loved how this map but I really want the Rocket Launcher...
I know it was new for me too, I havent made a infection map in Reach either. It was fun working on it with you too :) Maybe we can, in the...
Trust me it works. Say you are playing a game with 12 people 4 of which are Flood. (Just letting you know you must make zombie count whatever is...
As you can see this map was remade from the Halo CE Mission "343 Guilty Spark". If you dont remember that mission it is where you first...
Err...It looks great and all but...I dont remember a city map in CE...or is this Halo 1 PC?
So its been months now and I still cant make anything...I have structures now but I dont know what to do with them...I need help...what do I do?
Dang it! I was just about to post my version of this here o forgehub me and The Psycho Duck made awhile back. How did we get beat to it? >:(...
Looks cool. It reminds me of Halo CE a bit...but one thing made me angry...I thought I was the only one to name a map Deadlock D: Lol
I sent it on live lol
I sent Psyco Duck a message...I doubt he will help. Thanks.
Umm are you good at remaking CE stuff?
Now what I mean is somone who is good at remaking specific parts of CEs campign. This project is top secret and I need help making it. Being a...
See, Im making my map on water so...yea...but Its starting to go asymmetric...also thanks for the help guys it means alot :')
*Sigh* Thanks guys...im too far in to this symmetrical map so I guess my next map will be asymmetric.
So I finnaly got through Forgers block and started on a project. The only problem is I want to make it Aysymmetric but its turning out symmetric....
See I make my maps like bungie does. I make them for all gametypes except race or invasion. Unless its a BTB map then ill make it for Race and...
I cant do it anymore. Ive been trying to make a map but I just cant think of a spot to make it...I try putting something together but then I give...
Someone thought the tree would make a cheap vantage point XD
Umm thats kinda how Halo goes rush to the power wepaons and plus there is only 4 Not counting the Grenade Launcher...also its everything but one...
Umm I said for Invasion Slayer not Invasion. Also with the base Ive noticed how the gameplay works and no one really camps in the bases. @Who...