My new wallpaper. Can't wait for Portal 2.
I just got on line if you want me to jump in and help you on forge real quick
Is there anyway to change the name of a file, in your file share?
The shooter should be a Juggernaut.
Rating [IMG] Eminence Enjoyment: The symmetry of this map got me excited to play. The setup is simple with matching snipers on each side....
Prior to Reach's release; I played COD. Don't get me wrong I have played Halo since its birth on the original Xbox. I would consider myself a Halo...
Use micro move; put your pieces on the grid for easy adjustments. If you want me to jump in there to show you let me know. Micro move is also...
you want to test your map
I like it
Go play Battlefield: BC2
It will probably be Xbox live arcade (Perfect Dark.)
Updated picture
Or you don't play a lot of customs, and you need to grease up your Assault Rifle. Girl
Map Variant Dodgeball Score points by sticking players on the opposing team. Map- Dodgeball Two sided arena for sticky dodge ball mayhem. [IMG]...
Really that is the problem with the new generation of video game geeks, the don't care about the technicalities. Up your standards; better games...
Epic Fail? Couldn't have put it better myself. For the game type itself, if you get it setup that way let me know sound like an epic fail or...
Yea Bungie extended the deadline two days. They said their early entrances were garbage.
I loved building and testing my map. In the bungie really update they asked for more time, because they extended the turn in dead line. I wish...