Re: Tunnel Rats 2 the original one's tunnels were to small to go through. If he put this one in he would of won. I recon
good map and it could be better if u put 2 swords in. But thats idea. (im new)
if you want people to download your map dont say ur new just post it because thell tell u wot u did wrong and write and put pictures on it....
it looks good but i dont like those kind of maps
whats making the red team from going straight to the flag and running while the others protect
This map is a Assault map and can be used for Infection. The Crate Tower is a great way to get on the walls of the maze to get to areas that can...
this is the 3rd map ive looked at thats ALOT like mine now i need to change my to be more differnt
I LOVE IT! :D :squirrel_grouphug:
Re: Scarab Assault - Features a Fully Detailed Scarab good work on the scarab but i wouldnt play it
cool im telling every1 about it
Great map i think ill try it
Ive been looking for a map with only words for a while :squirrel_grouphug:
it looks like a great map im downloading it