Oh Wow ZOMG thanks for all the good schtuff you guys, I've been away, and all this time I have not found a Valhalla that is more Valhalla, this...
Indexed, keep them coming. Still havent done any PC variants, I know, im a slacker. Anyone know of some remakes of The Pit, the search engine...
Yes, I left out the PC maps, but they can be added. I will check up on yer maps and add them :) The links are to the maps Forge Hub thread, so...
Folks; if you havent played this you need to - at least once before going on about the 'walls' and 'trees'. They are there for specific reasons;...
No it is impossible. There isnt enough in forge to do Valhalla but definitely build as much as possible. If you want to measure the old valhalla...
I just started working on this thread, but if it is going to work it will need bumping and maps. Remakes Halo Playlist If you know of maps that...
Forge Hub has amazing remakes. There is a thread on bungie.net by FS xKratosx compiling 90% of Halo remakes, from CE to Reach. I thought it would...
Welcome aboard. You found a great place for Halo custom content. If you want in on games you can always go here. Have fun.
Know what, this map plays very well. Combat always seems to gravitate to the lift side and the upper catwalks, but the spawning keeps it in motion...
Its not Rank, or game history even, its a combination of stats which shows how much Halo you play, what game types you like, what medals you have...
I agree, please dont get it mixed up, I am not talking about people like MrGreenWithAGun; his feedback is almost always relevant and solid,...
DMR. Got to be the my favorite, and it should be because it's the BR's granddaddy.
How much Reach do you play? I play quite a bit myself, and the longer I am here at FH the more I notice a really lame trend. There is an excess of...
you clever little devils.... this map is fun. i played it and didnt even realize, i certainly did like it though. the structure made up for the...
Orgrimmar. Awesome BTB, would love to see a remake.
Are the pieces placed freehand, or have they been 'edited' and snapped in place? Also did you reload the map when you went into customs, or just...
Whoa...way militant bro. That ad has all the propaganda of the third reicht. Research the subject and try to find some 'relevant' ads, maybe from...
You could try making the zombies start with something else and make them pick up 'fixed' swords, then survivors couldnt pick the swords up again.?...
Play more Snipers. It's the super obvious decision, play the Sniper playlists/firefights, get the practise and watch the other players firsthand....
MOar SpoOf! I like what you did with this. It took a minute to get the layout to see the reminise of many other maps and styles but after...