xXPhilyBluntsXx submitted a new map: Tecmo Bowl Viii - football Arena I used Forge Island for the canvas of this map. It is a fully functional...
Yeah I remember one game where you guys were dominating so badly that I felt bad and switched to there team and scored some points for them so...
lol this is haunted bro! yeah I was on the bulls as well son we should get this **** going again.
xXPhilyBluntsXx submitted a new map: Space Jam Home Court - A legitimate Basketball court This map is a sweet Basketball court set in space with...
Yeah I was a bit worried about that when I made the map but so far I havent ran into any screen lag. If you do come across some then I'll just...
Thanks Steve, that is certainly a glowing review. I appreciate all feedback I want to keep this thread alive and get the word out about this map...
Right on I thank you for the positive feed back. I thought the same thing, but I couldnt quite figure out what to add to the 2nd floor ring that...
Viridian supports 4v4 Ts and 8 player FFA. Game play on this map has the feel of Zealot but much is more fast paced. This map features three...
lol personally I set my psych to talkative, with winning for motivation, and roudy so I get the most annoying try hards possible to talk trash to....
I want the spartan laser from H3 back....sad face. Edited by merge: oh and It would also be tight if you could customize your weapons a bit that...
The way the map is setup if you are playing against people who are a good deal better than you with a dmr then you are just going to get smoked I...
Hey sorry about this but I accidentally uploaded the wrong version of the map the one previous was before I playtested it. The latest version of...
Yeah the bases are actually quite simple and very open I wanted to make it so that you couldnt just hide out in them and try and take pot shots at...
Fusion is a highly competitive map with limited yet strategically placed cover in essence promoting lots of action and fast paced gameplay. This...
lol yeah I can see it a pain to have to wait, but we came up with that time by extensively play testing the map and in this game the zombie has a...
Looked into the issue and I think it was actually the game type that caused this Ill get it fixed and reload the game type till then if you do a...
thanks if you like that you should view my other map Ascension it is a great deal more creative. I do appreciate the compliment though.
thanks I appreciate the compliment I came up with the idea one day when I was on work at break and decided that I had to build a map around it.
Containment is a research facility that was dedicated to studying a strange disease that was encountered during mankind's search for suitable...
I dont think you can control where you come out of the teleporters Ive tried on several maps best I know is if you back into it you come out...