Making something look good can be easier than making something play well. This is the shortcoming. Most don't want to bother with all the extra...
Also, don't be afraid to come up with some unique things to put in the house! You already have some what with the telescope (which mind you, I...
That infection map got me feeling sum type of way I believe they said they're only working on the playlist. I don't think we will be actually...
And hey, here's a little idea that could be interesting but could also be seriously flawed and need a lot of testing. Plus 343 would need to give...
I've been wondering the same and restrained myself from beginning any infection maps simply because... we don't know what Infection will look like...
Gameplay on the map: [MEDIA]
It appears some cylinders become difficult, and next to impossible to grab. My curser grabs whatever lies behind. Happens to all different kinds...
'Seaboard blockout' is a BTB map I'm currently working on that I began in H2A. My ultimate goal with the map is to get it into matchmaking, which...
Funny enough, I've actually been planning an Infection map with this theme since the first forge reveal!
I'm preaching preacher
Grenades bounce off of Invisible blockers, while bullets fly through. Should be adjusted so that grenades react to the Invisible blockers the same...
I'm talking about the mountains that were on Awash in H2A.
-More foliage such as a variety of tree's, bushes, and flowers. Most notable, please port over the suburban style trees that can be found on The...
I like it. I can see where you may think it loos to symmetrical but let's be honest- all city streets are pretty much just large hallways so you...
. The reason I've never been huge on AI's in Halo Forge, is that I just honestly don't think an AI could be up to par with a normal real life...
AND AN OVER ALL COMPLETELY BLANK SKY BOX CANVAS WITH NOTHING BUT OCEAN: Imagine Awash from H2A, but with the beautiful horizon stretching water...
It would be a vague mix between Warzone, Firefight, and Invasion
Would love to see this created. We should make a splash about it with every 'official' forge request to 343 so that they actually see it.
Oh once you play the H5 dev maps, you'll think differently The interesting thing about the glacier rocks is while they do suck for glacier, I...