MtnDewX97 presents Clockwork Stadium! My best SX/MX track so far! Start in a SX theme and then switch to MX with this track! This track has 4...
Well all i can say is try and get more people and if you still dont like it than everyone has their own opinion. Thanks for the feedback :D
Welcome!!!!!!!!! Me and my friend like bluiding bunker maps where we fight each others bunkers, so Saturday we decided to make another one. When...
MtnDewX97 attemps a Roller Coaster!!! This my 7th map, it has two spirals and drifting turns with a 2 minute lap time! Isn't much to explain so...
Thanks for comenting!
Once in a while u will over do the double and fall off your mongoose, but this has nothing to do with speed and other than that there really is...
Welcome to Hallux SX! MtnDewX97s 3rd MX/SX Track and 6th all together. It features 6 rythm sections, 3 whoop sections, a double and a triple! The...
You Are Correct! There is two one way sheild doors at the bottom of the jump and you land correctly 80% of the time. But sometimes if you go of...
Welcome to inCISION MX! MtnDewX97's 5th racetrack. This one being my 2nd mx track. Pics: [IMG] [IMG] Starting gate with smooth landing...
Welcome to the Mecha-Sphere made by VvShadowWo1fvV, zEXPL ii CITz, and MtnDewX97 from HaloTrackStudios. It has two MX jumps, a spiarl, a double...
Ok Thanks!!!
BLACK HOLE DEAD AHEAD! Welcome to MtnDewX97s 4th RaceTrack, it features 2 black holes, a worm hole, and a shooting star!!!!! Pictures: WormHole...
you stole this from gods regret wow
sure go to YouTube - eXcell MX A RaceTrack By MtnDewX97
Welcome to MtnDewX97s 3rd racetrack, eXcell MX This my 1st mx map which features a suprise at the end have fun!! Video here :YouTube -...
Welcome to Rocky Road Horizon by MtnDewX97, the creater of Banshee. This is an all-terrain race map featuring a rocky road and many jumps!!!! Some...
yeah but how do you get the pics to show
picture srry i am new and i didnt know how to get one i think i got it now