I was just going to say you may want to post the video on the main page, as well. The thread has been getting a handful of posts so possibly new...
I disagree, as it seems most others, with this comment. The rocks I felt added that "natural" element, to an otherwise construct environment. I...
This map definitely looks interesting. I will give it a download and maybe play test it with some friends soon. I wasn't sure if you were...
Hey Slamm, It was a lot of fun being able to play your map with you and some friends last night! Team Slayer/FFA definitely works great with...
Haha Marauder is the link I happened to just open too. Tons of screenshots! I will have to check out the recent screenshots and see what I can do...
Thanks for getting back to me Slamm^^ I am not too familiar with the lag, but I am sure if we did some play testing it would be easy to point...
Hi Antares. I understand people like a lot of pics and while it may sound lame/stupid I am not entirely sure how to go about that. I have 21/24...
Sounds good man. Add me when able. I just checked out Spirit quick and it is sweet. I have a group of friends that are usually cool with play...
I added you on the forums and my XBox Live is Jak Cryton VII feel free to add me. I am always open to play testing and am contemplating joining...
Thanks for checking out the map Slamm. Actually when seeing your signature I remember seeing Spirit and talking about it with my gf cause I...
YouTube - Halo Reach Skyline Fly Through SKYLINE Nestled within a valley, this airborne communication station is still the site of...
YouTube - Halo Reach Vexis Fly Through VEXIS Investigating a distress signal, the UNSC soon discovers something more sinister at play...
Used by scientists for psychological experiments, participants found the only way to survive: thru blood & bullets. [IMG] Labyrinth is the first...