Hey Tedium! Thanks for writing. There was a fair bit of discussion back and forth between Organite, PacMaster, and myself over the review. There...
Thanks Organite, Ya, I cringed at my own response when I re-read it the next morning. Cooler heads, and everything :) I can only imagine how...
Thanks for taking the time to respond again. What your saying makes a great deal of sense. I completely understand your points regarding the...
Points taken. I have gone back and edited out some of the remarks I made that, looking at with fresh eyes, I can see were innapropriate. I...
Well, I'd like to thank Forge Hub and Tediums ***** for taking the time to test and review the track. I do appreciate the time you put into it....
Thanks! I had a blast testing with you guys. It really helped me iron out the rough spots and add a level of polish it never would have had...
Coastline Racetrack: Grand Prix by CruelLEGACEY Watch the video.... it describes the map better than anything I could write [IMG] Coastline...
Good advice... I'll add more pics. Edited by merge: Forge Hub's review of my track is up! Check it out here. Thanks!
*** This post was for the Beta version of the track. I have since completed the track, and will be creating a new post with all the proper links...
*** deleted..... Broke the forum rules... Sorry! ****
Hello everyone! This thread is a cataloge of CruelLEGACEY Productions videos. I will update this thread with new releases, and any other...
Take it for a spin man... I think you'll like it more than you'd expect :) It's always hard to tell when you're making a map, but I got to take...
lol.... no worries :) Again, I always like to get feedback. This is my first forge creation, so I'm looking for as much input as I can get.
Thanks for your input. There are a couple points I want to address.* 1st, the size of the track. I'm not sure why you seem to think the track is...
Legacy takes drivers across Forge World'e expansive terrain, and offers some beautiful views along the way. Supports "Race" gametype, up to 16...